Recent news coverage of the mental health crisis among teens gives special poignancy to the advent of Mental Health Awareness Month this year.
As President Joe Biden noted in his proclamation marking last year’s observance, nearly 1 in 5 Americans lives with a mental health condition and “the importance of attending to mental health has become even more pronounced during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has not only negatively impacted many people’s mental health but has also created barriers to treatment.”
A survey Ethos recently conducted highlighted how seriously we now take mental health. Americans spend more time thinking about their and their family’s mental health than about inflation, COVID-19, death, or climate change. Only physical health, personal finance, and the war in Ukraine are more top of mind. Good news is on the horizon, though – Americans are more willing to talk about mental health. Given a list of traditionally “taboo” topics - money, sex, religion, politics, mental health, and death - Americans said they’d be wiling to talk about money first, followed by mental health. That’s progress.
Ethos is not in the mental health business, but we are in the business of protecting families, so there are a lot of synergies. We believe that the right combination of financial planning and protection can reduce stress, improve family relationships, and increase peace of mind.
Take care of yourself and your family this month, and reach out if you need help. We’ve listed some comprehensive resources below.
The CDC lists resources here.
The National Institute of Mental Health lists resources here.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Service lists resources here.